An ESF Project Focused on Specific Linguistic and Methodological Qualifications of English Language Teachers and Postgraduates

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kapitola v knize

The ESF project completed in the period 2009-2012 was centred on increasing the specific qualifications of English language teachers and postgraduate students. Although the teachers received high-level linguistic training, they did not specialize in teaching the language of profession, which is the subject of language education at tertiary level. It was the purpose of the project to provide them with such training. Another target group were postgraduate doctoral students of electrical engineering and information technology who in their professional careers, academic or in the industrial sector, will have specific communication needs. A major outcome of the project was an innovated course for doctoral students, targeted at the language of profession and focused on the individual aspects of its style and lexical system.

Klíčová slova
science and technology style, pragmatic aspects, methodology