Last week, our department welcomed Daiva Zavistanavičienė from the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities of Kaunas University of Technology. Daiva visited us thanks to a grant from the Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility programme and we were delighted to have her! Back home in Lithuania, she is a specialist in academic and technical English, so we were particularly excited to benefit from her expertise in teaching courses that are part of our BPC-APE undergraduate programme.
In the course Language as Discourse in Science and Technology, she introduced students to the characteristics of academic writing and the structure of research papers, and gave them advice on what to focus on when writing their final bachelor's thesis. In a follow-up seminar, she discussed with the students the structure and content of a technical report focusing on the rise in popularity of electric vehicles, and in the English for Engineering course she covered vocabulary from the field of power generation.
Daiva's entire stay was in the spirit of sharing practical experiences and very enriching for both parties involved in this exchange.